Monday, November 2, 2009

What's A Girl to Do.... And the Turkey Sub Too.

I know many of you ladies reading will relate, but one thing that has caused some special irritation in my marriage has been, what I have perceived to be, Sam's oblivion. I don't know how many hours I've wasted throughout our relationship getting gussied up, all excited to see him, for him to come home and not even notice. These instances have almost always lead to the same conversation:

Me (sheepishly): So, do you think I look pretty?
Sam: Yeah, of course I do. You look beautiful.
Me (hopefully): Well I got all ready, did you notice?
Sam: Yeah, I did. You look great.
Me (annoyed): Well why didn't you say anything?
Sam: I just did. You always look beautiful.
Me (irate): Oh, I always look beautiful in my sweats when I've been cleaning and haven't showered in two days?! I had to drag it out of you! You didn't even notice!
Sam: I did notice! I was going to say something about it! I promise! You look HOT!
Me (sheepishly again): ......what else....?

Then we laugh.

But not for long. I usually have to cut the laughing short to deliver a brief lecture on being attentive and showing appreciation for all my efforts. For which Sam is always grateful. This kind of thing is always in good fun, but the other day his obliviousness went a little too far...

Sam and I were sitting on the couch all tangled up when he attempted to get up to get a drink. Because we are oafs, Sam's knee came up and knocked me squarely on the cheek bone, right beneath my eye. It was a really hard blow with a sickening crack, and it hurt like the dickens. You can imagine my disappointment when, minutes after the assault, my cheek looked completely normal. Not even a smidge of swelling or bruising. It's always such a let down when you go through something like that with nothing to show for it... nothing to make people gasp with horror and pity and glare at Sam all accusey while I point a finger at him and say, "he did it."

No, this wouldn't do. Something had to be done. So, naturally, as soon as Sam left the house I scampered over to my makeup case, grabbed my eyeshadow, and masterfully applied a big bruise over my cheekbone. I even rubbed in a bit of red lipstick for that "fresh bruise" look.

I busied myself with making lunch and doing the dishes when Sam returned from his run. He sat down at the table and I steadied myself and honed my acting skills in the kitchen before presenting him with his lunch. I was trying not to smile and be all obvious as I sat across from him, waiting for his eyes to fall on my face for the first time. I imagined the shock and fawning that would take place when he saw my giant bruise, and the subsequent laugh attack I would have when I started wiping it off in front of him. Oh what a good joke it would be!

He looked up... and looked right back down to his plate of food. I thought, "well, that was just a quick glance" and waited for him to look again. He did... and we started chatting... and nothing. I got NOTHING. He had a full on 20 minute conversation with me, jabbering away about his run and classes and aspirations, and failed to notice the great big pulsating bruise that covered the left half of my face.

I felt my blood start boiling. How the crap was this happening? I put my hand up to my cheek, and in a last ditch effort not to ruin my little joke said, "man, my cheek is still hurting, is it bruising or anything?" He looked up briefly and said, "I don't think so, I'm sorry it hurts sweetie."

I felt like Tommy Boy. "Not so much here, not really here... but riiight here."

I was dumbfounded. I flew out of my chair and ran to the mirror in our bedroom. I thought for sure I had accidentally rubbed off my little masterpiece. There was no WAY he was this clueless. But no, it was still there, staring back at me, blaring and obvious.

I stomped back into the dining room and shouted, "It's not BRUISING???! LOOK AT MY FACE!" He looked up in surprise, "Oh! Yeah, there is a bruise. Oh man, that's bad. I'm sorry baby."

After I got all tantrumy about it and he was all sweet and attentive, I felt a little guilty and ridiculous and didn't really know how to tell him it was a fake. So I settled on trying to make it funny and quietly slipped away to wash my face.

When I reappeared in our living room all fresh-faced and giggly... trying to display my injury-free cheek in the most obvious way possible... guess who didn't say a word? That's right. He didn't notice the dark blue and purple bruise he'd inflicted, the very one I'd just thrown a hissy over, had magically disappeared...

And he still hasn't brought it up.

Good grief.

It's a good thing he's so preoccupied with taking stellar care of our little family, or I'd never get over it....

Now, for an abrupt change of subject. Try not to get whiplash.

Take a look at THIS tasty morsel!

Isn't she glorious?!

Cutest little bug on the block, I dare say.


Nicole said...

Dying. Laughing.

That is totally something I would do, and exactly how I would feel about it. I would say we are the same person, but you are way hotter than me and live in a much cooler place, so I guess I'm stuck with saying, "Golly aren't we both dramatic?"

Meradith said...

I so wish I could relate to this post! My husband notices everything! "Wow baby your eye brows look really fabulous, you just got them waxed didn't you?" and "Your pores are stunning today. Did you get another microderm abrasion?" and "Your hair is just a touch more auburn in the sun, did you highlight it?" There is just no gettin past that guy.

Ok ok ok. All lies. Laughing hysterically while reading this post. WORD for WORD exact conversations I have had with Jason. So then I had to reach the conclusion that there really is no point in showering or getting gussied up, because life is so much easier if I stay in pajamas all day. The reality is, you ARE beautiful always, but you DO need him to notice when you put extra effort in because it's a lot of work with a baby nippin at your heals every move you make. Tell him you're gonna stop being so funny and life of the partyish too if he doesn't stop takin things for granted. You guys should just come in for a counseling session, I can see your marriage is really headed for big trouble.

Remember how you used to not have a blog? And I nagged and nagged and nagged you and told you you'd be really good at it? ANd you didn't believe in yourself back then and your blogging capabilities? And I kept coaching you along? And look at you now.

Amber said...

Oh my, how I can relate to this! This is why I have given up on getting ready for the day most of the time! As if he/ or anyone for that matter would even notice! : )

Hilarous, but oh so true!

The turkey sub is just precious. Look at those lovely curls atop that lovely noggin!

Heidi @ Honeybear Lane said...

Great story. I think every married woman can relate to this. The funniest part is that you have all these visions in your head of how it's gonna go down, how bad he'll really feel when he sees the fake bruise and how funny a joke it will be when you show him it's not real...that has happened to me so many times. Just waiting for the hilarious result and nothing happening. Sorry. And your little love bug, super cute!

Mimi said...

Isn't it always the case that they don't even notice when you actually try, and then they decide to fawn over you when you feel like a dirty bum? Okay maybe not always, but I can totally relate to this story.

I LOVE your stories. You need to write about everything that happens to you every single day because it seems like no matter WHAT it is, you make it sound interesting. I could write about this exact same topic and it would bore people to tears. You have a gift, my dear!

It was really fun to see you today, if only for a few minutes. Wish I could've chatted longer! Girl time is such a valuable thing!

stacy h. said...

i'll admit, i didn;t read your post....but leah looks adorable! Q was originally going to be a lady bug, but i couldn't find a cute one. you scored with this one!

sarawhat said...

I am sitting here nodding my head in ABSOLUTE understanding. Your conversation with Sam, happens around here ALL the time. I descreetly (not at all) let Matt know that I think this friend of his has a little crush on me, or this Man was hitting on me at the post office (never happened) in hopes that maybe a little jealousy will help him notice what EVERY other man seems to be seeing (yeah right). He just nods his head and says, "that's nice". I asked him the other day if I have a "Mom body" and he said yes. YES! Then followed up with a quick "if you didn't have a Mom body, you wouldn't have two kids. You ARE a Mom." Doesn't mean I want a Mom body. Can't he tell this was a time that the answer I wanted was sooooo obvious!!! Just LIE!
Ok, I'm ranting on your blog. I can't write things like this on MY blog because his parents read it and think that Matt craps golden bricks and I don't want to offend them. Hopefully they don't read this. HAHA.
Your little lady bug is ABSOLUTELY the cutest little insect on the block.

Cabra Forte said...

Even I think this is funny, and I should probably be outraged at the stereotyping of maleness or something like that.

You and Mimi should collaborate to write a book. I'm serious. It would be hilarious, make a bajillion dollars, and I'd be able to drop out of school and be wealthy by the pool for the rest of my life.

bethany said...

oh my GOSH...NESSA! So funny. Ummm, we have had thousands of convos about this stinky husband syndrome. I have just come to accept that I have to point out anything i want a comment on....either that or get p.o.ed all the time. Really, one time I cut like 10 inches off my hair and walid did not notice. REALLY??? But then when I yelled at him, he said "yeah, I noticed" Oh wait, is this the same story you just wrote....HHHMMMMM?
And BTW, the comment right above this by sara about her in-laws thinking her husband craps golden bricks...ahhhhh, that me laugh outloud...for a long time...perfectly stated!

Now, I am sorry to sound long-winded but this next subject needs some addressing....I will FREAK out...that wee ladybug. UMMM, a little freaky cause she looks exactly like my girls in it. But the red shoes were a dazzling touch. Oh, kiss her for me a thousand times...I miss her so much! Okay, Ness thats all!

ShaLyse Walker said...

This post was great...but all of your posts are great! My older non-blog reader brother is I think starting his own Palmation Nation fan club. And Leah lou lou! That lady bug costume is too much.
Oh, and thanks to a little poking and prodding from you, I indeed did post. TWO posts! Only because of you. Now go comment bi*ch.

Kent said...

Great post. I also could never get Sam to notice an awesome new t-shirt or sweet new designer jeans.


(Also, Leah is cuter without the headgear-you don't want to hide those curly locks)

(One more thing, pics are posted by Mel on our blog. They're totally gross, don't say I didn't warn you)

Tiffany Wilson said...

In my mind, I always imagined that really gorgeous girls, such as yourself (and I gotta add your sisters, too) are constantly fawned over by their drooling husbands, told they are hot on a daily basis, and have husbands who can't wait to take them out to show off to the world whenever they get dressed up. So, I have to admit I felt a little bit of satisfaction knowing that we're all neglected equally!

Unknown said...

You are so funny how I miss you and your sister!

Your daughter is adorable but you and everyone who sees her knows that:)