Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I Yuv Estrogen

One thing they don't tell you when you apply for business school is that you will be required to sever all relationships not pertaining directly to the enhancement of your career. This includes spouses, children, extended family and all (non b-school) friends. You are also expected to devote all remnants of extracurricular time to kissing professor/alumni butt, fellow student butt, recruiter butt, and any and all butt deemed necessary by career services... which includes many different kinds of butt but absolutely no wife butt. SO, those of us who are officially "Booth Wives" (U of Chicago Booth School of Business) have decided to take a collective stand against being lonely and have vowed to seek comfort in each other's arms. Oh, and be deliriously happy... with or without our better halves.

In keeping with this theme, on Saturday, Booth Wife, Carina, sent out a text saying, "I wanna do something fun today." Of course this sent all on the receiving end of the text into a gleeful, giddy scurry... something akin to the way a dog dances around when you finally notice it needs to be let outside to pee.

After deliberating over what we should do, we settled on a trip to the Museum of Science and Industry. Don't let the name fool you--this place is hoppin'. Mostly because there's an expansive, gated area with all sorts of child mind-boggling things to look at... which allows for minimal tending and maximum blabbing.

Booth Wives Club (BWC): Mimi, Amber, Carina and Moi....
There's also one more first year Booth Wife named Dianne... but she's a newlywed so she still waits around at home just in case her hub gets some free time. Pfshhhff whatever newlyweds (little bit jealous).

This picture brings me great joy. Look at Mimi in all her sassy glory. Amber was refusing to harness her inner sex kitten for this picture... but don't let her fool you... she was merely considering the children and married men within the vicinity.

This was the exact position Leah and Mimi's Josh stayed in for pretty much the duration... Mostly I'm just including this picture as proof that Leah was actually there, considering like TWO of the pics I took turned out.

This little afternoon delight is Amber's Avery. She is the single most squishable baby I have ever seen. She's only 7 months old and seriously, look at her mop on top. This picture alone makes me feel as though I might huck my laptop across the room. I can't take it.

After the museum we ditched the littles and went out for a girl's dinner. It was a glorious occasion spent laughing and talking and pillow fighting and tag-team wrestling. One real highlight was when Amber attracted the attention of a gawker who STARED at her the ENTIRE meal. The weird thing about it was she was a woman... a rather hostile looking woman. Of course we all huddled in over the table, whispering, giggling, feeling a little frightened, and taking turns peeking to see if she was still staring. Every time...


Didn't budge an inch....

Aside from our intimidating admirer (we'll just say she was admiring) we were miffed because we ordered the four cheese pizza and after one bite we agreed immediately it needed to be sent away. When I talked to the waitress about it she said, "Oh yeah, this happens all the time with the four cheese pizza." Are you kidding me? Now, I'm not a restauranteur or anything, but it's probably a good idea to take the poo sandwich off the menu.

Anyway, the whole day was fab and I guess the real, A.D.D., roundabout point I'm trying to make with this post is that I've found this little group of beautiful women here in Chicago who seem to fit like a glove. Women that my mom would refer to as "soul sisters." In my experience, that doesn't happen very often. Needless to say, I'm twitterpated...


Carina said...

I have decided to copy and paste your post to my blog! You are too wonderful!! I feel honored to be part of your blog. :)

I can't wait for the next adventure we will share together. I echo the "soul sisters" sentiment. This group was definitely meant to be. It makes B-school all worth it!

Heidi @ Honeybear Lane said...

Are you seriously jealous of that little girl's hair? Have you seen your hair? I'm glad you found some buddies in Chy town, it makes a huge difference to have girl time. I just had a little myself today, and no matter how much I get, I always seem to find myself longing for more.

Amber said...

Ahaha! The creepy-staring-lady pic is dead on. Good times, my friend.

ShaLyse Walker said...

take this post down immediately! I'm pissed!

ShaLyse Walker said...

this is so disrespectful

ShaLyse Walker said...

the kind of gall it takes to write something like this is just baffling. really.

ShaLyse Walker said...

you suck.

ShaLyse Walker said...

oh, and you're ugly.

ShaLyse Walker said...

I only used to think you were pretty.

ShaLyse Walker said...

but not anymore.

ShaLyse Walker said...


ShaLyse Walker said...


ShaLyse Walker said...


Jill Wilson said...

I'm obsessed with you! You make me laugh out loud. Oh what joy when I see you have updated your blog. I love ya!

Mimi said...

Right back atcha, sister! I came home that night and was just so happy to have found such great friends. "Twitterpated" is definitely the right word.

By the way, I laughed out loud at all of ShaLyse's comments. I don't even know the girl, but she sounds like a keeper! Hahaha...there's nothin like estrogen.

Author said...

Im jealous of your comraderie, comrade. I'd love to have something like that here. But, I'm thinking in the land of Deseret, that doesn't happen much - if at all....but maybe it should and I should do something about it!
If you are ever in Utah, please let me know! I'd love to see you!

Jill Wilson said...

I came back for a second read... I settled on the "minimum tending, maximum blabbing" quote as my favorite. You're too funny!! And every mom knows EXACTLY what ya mean :)

Kent said...

I have not 1, not 2, not 5, but 4 snide remarks about this post:

1. What's the deal with chicks and their internal need to do the sex kitten pose? First of all, not sexy. Second of all, don't do it.

2. Your better half? Is that Sam you're referring to?

3. When you 4 chicks get together, do you do that excited talk where every girl tries to talk over the other one so it gets progressively louder? And does every reply end in "I know, right?"

4. This doesn't happen very often? It seems like every other post you're bragging about finding another BFF. Just admit that you're awesome and making friends is super easy for you.

Jill Wilson said...

Okay so I dont know Kent but after reading that comment I rushed straight to his blog. Oh, it made this gals day. He is hilarious! Thanks Kent :)

Courtney said...

hahahaha... everything. all. oh, how i love reading these posts... and comments.

Katie said...

Fun blog Vanessa! Loved the post.

Unknown said...

I'm pretty jealous. I wish I could get together with all the "chemistry" wives, but none of the guys in Josh's lab are cool enough to date, let alone snag a wife.
My "soul sisters" as you call them, continue to reside on Wisteria Lane at 9:00 eastern time on ABC.