Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Quirky Little Gee

Leah has developed some charming little idiosyncrasies in her short time here on earth. I decided they had to be documented lest they be forgotten forever. Most of the photos were taken with my phone because I had to be quick on the draw in capturing the moment... so don't be judgy.

First is her absolute inability to sit anywhere, in any position, without crossing her little pillowy feet. Even when she's seated on the floor, toys strewn all about, her feet are crossed directly in front of her. I think she's in the beginning stages of a condition inherited from her Papa (my dad) known affectionately as "the cricket syndrome" in which he is completely unable to keep himself from feverishly rubbing his feet together whenever shoes are not present. Thanks, Papa!

Second, my little munchkin is a masochist. What started as a sweet little habit during nursing, has blossomed into full fledged self destruction... in the form of pinching. She used to softly pinch my hand or arm while she nursed. Then she started to get aggressive about it and I had to set some pinching boundaries. Little did I know, my refusal to satisfy her pinching fix would send her tailspinning into the dark and lonely world of self-pinching. Many a time she has interrupted moments of peaceful rocking or humming with a shrill shout... only for me to discover her little hand up her shirt--pincers in action, wrecking havoc on her belly. I've learned not to leave my little lass pantless for any amount of time. Her voluptuous thighs are too tempting and the ant-biting begins... in the following picture you can see this disturbing behavior along with her face while doing it... stop doing this to yourself, Leah!!
Third, she's discovered one particular position to be especially satisfying for snoozing. The first time I came upon her in her crib, my heart leapt out of my chest and I immediately soiled my drawers. I was sure she'd suffocated. Much to my delight, she was snoring away dutifully and after many foiled attempts to move her into another position I gave up, and this has been her position of choice ever since... I think she's aiming to highlight her finest feature...

Finally, the following face is quite disturbing, but alas, my strong-willed little fatty has settled on it as her official "picture face." As soon as she sees the camera, she contorts her face into this expression and holds it until the flash is over, then reaches for the camera to have a look at the splendor I have captured. I remember being little and making faces for pictures that I was certain were super sexy... only to discover I looked like a complete tard. Poor little lamb, thinking she's so sexy....


Meradith said...

Oh Nessa!!! Yes yes yes!! I love the pinching of the thighs! So So cute! (but you tell her if she ever pinches Lucy like that she is in big BIG trouble) haha! And her last face- she is pure pure joy! Holy crap I am dying right now!

Meradith said...

and remember! tell her to keep those pincers away from me and my baby!!

Kastina said...

Ooh I dont' mean to sound creepy- I was just scrolling through blogs. and i have to say, your family is soo cute! this picture is adorable!

Heidi @ Honeybear Lane said...

My kid went through a pinching phase, although he never did it to himself. He was more of a biter, so we have to set our limits on his little chompers. I love your stories about her, she is a cute funny girl!

stacy h. said...

nessa, i am dying! she is stinkin' adorable, that leah. it is so funny how theses little babies come up with the weirdest things to do. quincy has a "bitter beer face" she has done for months. i have no idea what it means when she does it. but we love it. :)

Curt said...

Yes, I have to admit that I have passed some of my finest qualities on to the two little girls that belong to my two little girls. Your mother will vouch for the fact that she was first attracted to me while I was spasmotically rubbing my feet together. But I have to confess that she grew just a bit annoyed with me for peeing in the sink.

Jill Wilson said...

I am cracking up right now! I started howling when I read you promptly soiled your pants- haha! I know I always say this when you post new pics of her but I cant take it she is so cute!! Me and my mother are always talking about those gorgeous Collard babies!!

Courtney said...

This post deserves a BAHHAHA for the laugh-factor.

Great writing. Great stories. and great photos. I so only get the best moments on a point-and shoot and not my good camera. Ugh. At least they're captured though.

Leah is so cute! I love her picture face!

Anonymous said...

her little snoozing position is adorable and reminds me of something we used to do at sleepovers...not to sleep though! ha ha! Love your blog and you have an adorable fam!!

Unknown said...

I lOVED this post...when they hit that stage of really coming into their own it is so cute and funny! That last pic really sums it up!

The DeGraffs said...

Thanks! We're trying to continue to look hip as we head into parenthood and mid-twenties. Honestly, its going to be pretty tough to become a top visitor on our page. Unless you can commit to at least nine and a half visits a day... Broch and I just love looking at all the pics of your little munchkin, it gets us pumped for our own.