Thursday, July 15, 2010


That's pretty much the funniest joke to ever come out of Idaho. I remember feeling extra bad-A on the playground, waiting from someone to mention the name of our state for some reason so I could shout it out. I was a sad, sad, overdeveloped little elementary school student.

Anyway, I've been feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of writing this post and therefore, avoiding it. Not for any unpleasant reason, just simply because I have so many pictures that I know it will take me ten years to go through and upload all of them. No body knows my struggle.

This is also the first real batch of photos that I've appeared in since I've been pregnant. And it is with a heavy heart that I announce the commencement of the "Frieda Transformation." Don't be judgy.

NOW, without further ado, I present a picture overload of our three glorious weeks in Idaho! No, Udaho!


We begin with a little rub-a-tub delight in the form of two adoring cousins. They were so cute together on this particular bath time occasion that I had to use every restraint in my body to keep from dunking them both under the water over and over again.

I took Leah to her very first cinema and it was quite excellent. Though, "How to train your dragon," is slightly terrifying. Even for me. Here, the Turkey Sub and her cousin, Ham n' Cheese, were pondering the loot before the show.

Our little herd took up a whole row. Paramount Theatre woot woot!

Grammy doing what she does best.... hypnotizing all of the grandkids and making them feel magical.

Leah and Isaiah when they were still feeling novel and loving towards one another. After their three week stint together they became quite disillusioned and wretched.

Yes, she does ride a razor scooter, beyotches!

This picture merely demonstrates my point of view for no less than 75% of the day. Note the rotund belleh.

Being the watchful auntie and mother that I am, I dutifully took a snooze (snoozing feet pictured in background) whilst my daughter hoarded all the fritos. This developed into quite the scuffle.

Jesse's headstone was finally finished when we got to Idaho. Carson sat for nearly the entire time, pressing his cheek to Jesse's picture and saying, "This is where my daddy lives! This is my daddy!" I will bawl my eyes out right now thinking about it. It was a wonderful, and terrible and tender.

Bethany and Leah Mae at the zoo. This may be my all time favorite picture. Too much beauty.

Me, Mera and her little Scarlett at the "Wolf to Woof" exhibit at the museum of Idaho.

Mera, Leah and Bethany. Is there anything more beautiful than my sissy doodles? No. No there isn't.

Mama and Turkey Sub at Taughtphaus Park.

Seesters. I yuv them.

We took a little jaunt up to Bear World and this shot was taken right before our entrance into the park. Needless to say, those bears wiped that angelic little smile right off her face. Poor little terrified beedja.

Deer are cool! Even the mangey, emaciated, captive ones!

Rabid turkeys are scary! (one was contemplating a pouncing on the other end of this shot)

Goats are gross! Enlarge this one and take a gander at Leah's face. I yuv it.

I will freak out right now.

A little shot of Leah and Bethany's Elyza from inside the safety of the car.

My mom commandeered this enormous waterslide extravaganza and put it up in the backyard for our time together. After some shrieking and objecting to the freezing hose water, Leah finally became a sliding fool.

Warming up, contemplating the universe.

Leah: "Look how cute we all are and how much love we share. We are the best!"

Leah: "Alright, Isaiah and Carson, that'll do. Time to stop the loving."

Leah: "Get the *%$@ off me you %&*$@&%$#@!!!!"

Warming up in the sun after some slide action.

We may or may not have gone to see "Eclipse" twice. And Edward may or may not have been extremely disappointed in me for becoming pregnant since the last time we saw each other.

At the famous Idaho Falls 4th of July fire works. I ended up leaving Leah at home in bed and cruising the river side for dudes instead. I find my pregnant belly to be irresistible to most men. The show didn't disappoint. Here is my brother, Abe, his youngest son, Ethan, my sissy, Bethany and her brood, and a couple of extras thrown in.

This post really doesn't even document half of the crap we did together. I just kept editing out pictures while I uploaded out of sheer laziness. But my motivation will return soon enough, and then I will attack you with a post so full of pictures and stories and dirty secrets your head will explode.

Oh, and just one more tiny little tidbit of info cannot be ignored. Turns out THIS little meatball sub:
is a wee little lady!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

I love you all.


E B said...

Oh, how fun! As you say yourself, sisters are the best. I think you still look great.

Challis said...

Good, you're back. I have to admit, I pretty much hated you ever since June 19 for not posting and thus not creating any Bar-studying distractions. But you're here now so it's water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned (though I'm still fragile, so you need to update sooner than later just to show me you're really, really back). Congrats on the new little ladybug. I have a hunch she's gonna be great.

Carina said...

Man I love those picts of you with your sisters! I know how close you guys are and it makes me soooo happy to know you've been able to spend some good quality time together. I just need to squish little Leah's cheeks. It has been WAAAYYY too long since I've seen her! BTW, you are looking like a bodacious babe with that cute tummy! Can't wait to meet your little lady on the way.

Jill Wilson said...

That post was awesome!! I love every single picture in there. Goodness the Collard girls are gorgeous! I have to be honest and let you know that I tried to pick out the prettiest but it is an impossibility I tell you. It makes me so happy thinking of you guys all back in IF- I have the best memories of you guys there. I love you! Glad your trip was so great :) And you look so good being pregnant. Do you have any names? The Collard girls are good at making little girls, thats for sure!

PS- You know I was totally kidding about picking out the prettiest, right? :)

Tiffany Wilson said...

Oh seeing you all there together just makes me wish I could hang out with all of you. I adore you people, even despite your uncomfortably above average attractiveness with your dimples, and perfectly straight white smiles, and golden tan skin. I hope, just to validate myself and my own family, you had the occassional annoyances, a bit of the childhood issues pop up here and there, perhaps a bit of talking behind backs, analyzing and speculating on how you think your siblings should be living their lives, and then finding a way to blame it all back on your parents! ;)

bethany said...

OH my goodness, we have had the best, the only thing I have to say is GET TO PHX this instant. Nuff Said. Oh and I love yew.

Author said...

A baby girl!!! The greatest thing that ever happened to us was to have two boys - Im sure you'll find the same when your two girls are entertaining each other and you find yourself able to sit and read a book without being bothered. Congratulations!

Courtney said...

It is good to see a new post and I have so much to comment on except for the fact that I'm supposed to be showering to make it out the door for Sunday School. So with that I hope there is satisfaction in knowing that I will forego shaving my legs to have read this.... and CONGRATULATIONS! Two tiny sissies is the BEST!

P.S. You are still looking rather delish... I mean that. No Frieda yet.c

Amber said...

Okay, so where have you been all my life? Some how this post got lost in my dashboard and I completely missed it.

Excuse me, but Frieda who?? Really, girl you look hot, hot, hot! All those pics of you and your sisters made me so happy. Makes me want to go visit some family. : )

Also, Leah is a darling that I can't wait to get my hands on.

Horray! We can all enjoy more Palmer baby girl goodness thanks to number 2! Can't wait for it.

Fausett Family said...

I love everything about this post! Thank you for sharing! And congrats on the new little baby girl!! ;)