I heard some mystery slurping (always cause for alarm when you're a mom) coming from our little dining room area a few minutes ago, and was thrilled to discover The Sub pouring juice on the table and doing this:
(Please excuse my over-enthused-Ursula-the-sea-witch-mom-chuckling)
The face at 38 seconds is the real clencher.
What a lush. I yub her.
I love her little language that she speaks in full sentences. So hilarious. I yub and miss her too!!!!!
That is AWESOME! I couldn't stop laughing when I saw her big toothy grin! What a character. She's gonna be a little drama queen. Thanks for sharing!
Vanessa, I know that I am all calm and understanding when we atalk on the phone about it being summer before you get here, but PLEEEASE, what am I supposed to do after viewing that morsel? Answer me that. I am having irrational thoughts about how to get you here immediately! Dear Leah, PLEASE come see your Aunty. I wrote a similar note to Lucy so you two get together and figure out how to make that happen. Love Aunty Bethany
Oh my gosh she is such a heffer! Not that she's slurping juice off the table but more her disappeared eyes HUGE smile! hahaha that smile! I'm obsessed I'm obsessed!
OMG- so cute!!!
What's the big deal? I do that with butter like twice a day...
Funny! She is SO enjoying herself. I think it must be in the genes. Maggie has done that a number of times too, but sometimes off the floor! ugh. Unfortunately I wasn't quick on the draw with the videocam like you.
Soooo cute! This is priceless! Save this one as blackmail for the future. Can't get over that grin! She is such a doll.
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