******UPDATED******Just pics today, folks. I'll prob update with thrilling stories a little later.
She's becoming quite the beach bum... our little beaut!
Went to the A's vs Giants game last night. Leah was thrilled for the first half with all of the new sights and sounds. Then overstimulation kicked in and she zonked out for the rest.
Sam explained each "going on" of the game as if Leah was hanging on every word.
Every time I looked at her she was making this face at the people behind us.
Nothin' like a good ball game!
**********A few more for the road************
Ahh.... the inhibitions of baby-hood. Leah relishes any and all chances to be free as a bird.
Whenever in "the buff" she does the funny little march captured here... back straight, arms out, left, left, left, right, left.
She was particularly delighted to be in front of the camera this day....
Can I'va hug?
That's actually a little cardboard roll she was dutifully gnawing to pieces.
Orange creamsicle!