Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hodgepodge Update

So, it's been 11 days since "the incident" and our little Turkey Sub is healing up like a champ. There have been literally zero inconveniences or complications with Leah's recovery... aside from her occasionally catching sight of herself in the mirror, double taking, zooming in and becoming mildly concerned and agitated that her pageant days may be over...

BUT, because inquiring minds want to know, here is a picture I took no more than 47 seconds ago just for this here post--see how on the ball I am?

95% of the bruising/swelling is gone and even a few of her stitches have already dissolved. So happy. So proud of my little Sub.

I took her in yesterday for her follow up doctor's appointment. They scheduled me to see Dr. Song, who happens to be the head of plastic surgery at U of Chicago. He acted exactly like Dr. 90210. Ever see the show? Anyway, he was all schmoozy and charming and over-complimentary... in the way that makes you immediately feel like you're getting duped. I found myself feeling all insecure and dodgy, waiting for him to try to lure me to a safe and happy place before starting to judge me and suggest "improvements." And cursing myself for not wearing a real bra instead of my night time/zero support nursing one.

By the end of the appointment I found myself wanting to respond to everything he said with squinty-eyed suspicion and defensiveness...

"You're gonna want to rub a little bit of lotion on her stitches at night to help them dissolve. But other than that, she looks just perfect!"

"Oh REALLY!?!? You calling me FAT now, doc?!?! You go to hell!!"

It was a strange, self-reflective experience. But clearly his fault.

I'll prolly call him up for a consultation after Lil' Tuna gets here.

In other news, Sam got a stellar job offer in Newport Beach, CA. He's still waiting to hear from several other firms before we make our final decision--in fact, he's flying to NYC, Milwaukee, and LA this week for final interviews at 4 firms that he would consider taking as well. And he's got a couple prospects here in Chicago, too--so, we're still up in the air. And yes, I realize all of those other locations are far pooier (poohier? pooeyer?) than Newport Beach. But aside from all that, we're just feeling fat n' happy having something spectacular nailed down.

And lastly, I've just been busy baking baby and having lots of false alarms--one of which resulted in me being on strict bed rest for the weekend. A "nesting" mother on bed rest has a sort of catforcedintobathtub effect. Except with more witching and shouting around and scratching and hissing and blaming Sam for everything... all with my dainty little feet elevated on a stack of pillows. I just about lost my mind.

My time off did allow for some good home video watching. I've found myself especially smitten with "baby Leah" in anticipation for the arrival of her little sissy. I've watched this little clip no less than 14 times over the last few days. And I nearly sprout wings and take flight each time:


Hayley Nelson Potter said...

I can't believe how well it has healed! Kids are so resiliant, it's amazing. Her little face is presh, looks like her mamma:)

Courtney said...

Your video is working. That's just mean. I get all worked up in anticipation of reminiscing on that little nugget of yours and then you leave me hanging???

So happy to see her healing so nicely.

So happy to remember you are almost done being preggy. Such a beautiful thing-- the being done part, that is.

So happy you've got a plethora of jobs. There are some divine places to eat in Newport. You should move there, for nothing else, but the food. ;)

Courtney said...

and by is working, I clearly meant, isn't working. Boo.

Amber said...

Yeah! Glad she's healing nicely. And may I just say that chubby cheek little squish has got to be the cutest thing. I can't stand it!
I feel so behind on your life, bed rest? Is it over now? CAn't wait for mini Leah. : )

Lindsay said...

Hey! I just found your blog and that video of Leah is so stinkin' cute. How fun that you get to have a newborn in your house again.

Heather said...

I laughed so hard watching Leah eat her toes. Scrumptious toes! Thanks for sharing.