Monday, August 9, 2010

The Dawning of a New Age... One of Privacy and Safety.

Alright everybody, for those of you who are uncomfortable with change, prepare to get your panties in a bundle, cause this blog is going PRIVATE heffas!!! You know the drill, I need your email addresses so I can start the painful process. Don't be shy. Don't you dare get coy with me. Just leave your address. Because I love you.

BUT WAIT, there's more. As many of you know, my sister, Meradith, has also recently gone private. But this is not a mere coincidence.... in fact, we plotted it together. Because, the big news is that we are starting a JOINT blog. A blog where we can really get down to the nitty gritty without fear of exposing those things that are most precious to us.

SO, this blog, this little family blog of mine, will go into hiding.... full of unabashed pictures of the Turkey Sub and me in a swimsuit.... And our joint little ditty will remain a beacon of slightly inappropriate musings about everything in general without any personal info. You get the idea. Oh, and for those of you who know her, Meradith is freaking hilarious, so this new blog is bound to be a good time.

Now, leave me your email address. And visit the new blog:


Author said...


And hope over to mine and leave a comment because we're going private too pretty soon.

Sarah said...

I'd love an invite. I love how you write. So upbeat.

The Mrs said...

I've never commented and not sure how I actually found you but I love your witty sense of humor...but because I'm a stranger I understand if I don't get the invite haha

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. Would love to continue reading.


Nicole said...

Pretty sure you have my email already so I'm not leaving it here because some psycho chick is using my email to try to open accounts and rent Uhauls and whatever so I am not typing it out online and this is the longest run-on sentence ever Amen.

Chase, Amy, and Carter said...

I'd love to follow your family blog...I would love to see the new baby! Anyways, shoot me an email and I will get you an invite to my family's blog as well!
Amy Collette Warburton

The Angell's: It's Complicated said...

Hi Vanessa. Love the new random tangentry blog! That will be so fun.
My e-mail is

Amber said...

I'm thrilled about the new blog. Can't get enough of your humor. Adding it to my blogroll now. : )

Also, private is the best. Can't wait for you to divulge all your dirty little secrets in the comfort of a private blog.

Challis said...

Oh, and if you and Meradith ever publish a book, I will come to your book signing.

christa said...

so excited for your new co-blog!! you two need to write BOOKS, i tell you! :)

Cabra Forte said...

And you should pull the "create another public blog that tells me when you posted" trick. That way we can still use google reader.

Christina said...

Hi, you may not remember me. I'm Sam's cousin and we met at my brother Mark's wedding. Just so you don't think I'm some random. Congrats on your new status as a 2-girl fam like us! It is the best.
christinaberickson (at)

Melissa said...

dont forget about me! :)

Megan said...

Hey Vanessa! I love your blog! It so funny and since I never get to see you guys... its fun to stay in touch this way!
-Megan Randall

M said...

Vanessa - you are hysterical!!! My daughter showed me your blog and I was in hysterics reading about your adventures. You should write for a living.

Mimi said...

This is so exciting! ANOTHER blog?? With your hilarious sister? (Yes, I may have read one or two of her posts since I met I won't feel like such a creeper when I do.) I hope this new blog turns into a book.

mimirsnow at

stacy h. said..., biotch. :)

The DeGraffs said...

Abby said...

I want to keep reading. You make me laugh so hard! And it's fun to see your cute growing family!
Our blog account is under my hubby's email--

E B said...

Count me in, please! You've got my email address somewhere, I hope. I don't put it on public places either. I'm happy to invite you to my private blog if you're interested, though I know I'm not as entertaining as you are!

Unknown said...

Of course I need an invite! I am greatly anticipating the new blog...yay.

Purcellville said...

OHHH I am excited for the New Blog! my e-mail is
Hope you are still doing well!

Brandon and Becky Patrick said...

Ok I've spent Corbin's entire nap time reading your blog :) I starting panicking when I read you were going private as well and thought I'd better catch up on some reading before it was too late! I understand that you are a popular gal and I can't force you to add me onto your list but here is my email if you happen to have an extra spot...

shelby mae said...
your mom came to the Playmill the other day and all i could say was how much i love your blog. for reals. I would probably be devastated if I was blocked from it! love it.

Allie said... can't wait!

Joanna said...

Don't want to be left out. Benjamin and Joanna Williams at

Carina said...

Of course, you don't even have to ask me if I wanna be part of your blog. I am 1 of 27 people that need to be included. I can't wait!

J. Benson said...

kate said...
So - You probably don't know me, but I'm ShaLyse's cousin and I always laugh my head off when I read your blog. It's always a highlight of my day.

Steph said...

Sign me up-- stephkearl at We just moved to the north side of town... let's hang out when you get back to school!

Matt 'n Erin said...

The cope family wants access!!!

Anonymous said...

I spy :0)

D Welling said...

We both read from time to time...daviddwellingatgmaildotcom and courtneywellingatgmaildotcom. Would be great to all get together sometime. You guys need to come to NYC...that's it. If not, we can visit you in Baltimore (if that's where you end up).

Yuri said...

so good. i wish you were still in san francisco!

Yuri said...
i left this as a comment on another entry, but include me in your readership! plz.