I can't help myself. I've lost the will to live. Well, not really live. Mostly just blog. I still blame Tony (see post below) because most days even my finger muscles are sore... so we'll just settle on it being his fault and move forward.
On the bright side, Leah watches me exercise everyday like it's some sort of freak show. I really love it. I guess that's what I get for doing it in my underwear. It's pretty, folks. She can't help herself. Today, while I was happily engaged in plyometrics, I heard her start giggling from her little perch on the back of the couch. Secretly, I knew the day would come when she would have to start commentating, but I ventured to ask her what was so funny anyway. She was delighted and said, "Mama, you get all wiggly and shaky when you do exercises!"
Let's not pretend the word she was looking for wasn't JIGGLY. Cause it was. You know it, and I know it.
But alas, she calls me out when I'm cheating, "Mama, that's not what they're doing on the TV!" so I'll keep her around to keep me honest.
Anyway, I just wanted to post a couple of pictures and videos to stay relevant to those who care. And to remind you of how cute my kids are...
Exhibit A:
She's practicing her "beggar face" before heading out to make some loot panhandling on the streets. She takes the good people of New Jersey to the cleaners...
If only they knew the truth...
And this is the only view I've had of this little heffa for weeks.
Well, and this:
She takes her food consumption seriously. Like her father. But I think we can all agree that Leah's ad-libbed song about loving us in the background, and subsequent calling out of Sam for not saying it back to her is the real treat of that video.
Oh, and this video makes me want to burst. (Please excuse my squeaking and squealing):
One of our daily Olan Mills photo shoots, courtesy of Leah (post-exercising...forgive me):
There's a slight chance the novelty of picture-taking wore off for Leah a long time ago and I'm the one still forcing it.
No mama! I don't want to take any more pictures of you! Please!
Just take the @$!& picture! Here's some chocolate...
Just kidding. But seriously.
And finally, these two lovebirds cut a serious rug at our ward dinner dance a few weeks ago...
The truth is, we all cut a rug. And afterwards, felt a little embarrassed about our bafoonery and lack of inhibition in general...
Especially Sam. Because he ended up in ladies' underwear.
Haha! That is just awesome! It reminds me of the time I tried my swimming suit on after having Skylee and Carson walked in and couldn't stop laughing. When I finally got him calmed down enough to ask what was so funny, he said, "You look funny in that! You aren't going to wear that are you?"
I'm so happy to see these pictures and to hear your blog voice again. I just miss you too much!!
Good job sticking with Tony! Now if you'd only teach Leah how to take candid photos of you while you're working out, we could discuss whether she meant "wiggly" or "jiggly" and I could squeal over your shrinking, toned body.
That comment about even your fingers being sore...I can relate. I did Plyometrics two days ago for the first time in many months and have been whining all day about my poor sore body. You are tougher than I am.
Also, I'm obsessed with those pictures of Leah. And can you please send Eve my way so she can teach Jude how to eat like a man?? So freaking cute.
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