So, I've been having a love/hate realtionship with this blog lately. Every day in the back of my mind there is a little nagging voice telling me I need to update, yet every time I attempt, all I can think about is how much I don't want to be doing it. As the days have passed, I've developed a severe case of "blog anxiety" (nightmares, paranoia, etc.) so I decided I would just tell you all how I've been feeling, post some pictures, and be done with it! I'm not sure what to attribute this blog anxiety to... whether it's my lack of energy, committment... or possibly just the brain attrophy I've experienced as a stay-at-home mom that has left me with nothing creative and/or funny and/or inspiring to say, but, here it is! Maybe some of you have some words of encouragement to help get me out of this blogging depression. In the mean time....
She's sitting up on her own and thrilled about it...
Leah was a particularly tasty strawberry shortcake delight on Sunday
Looking like a little old couple next to Isaiah before church!
She is such a happy girl- I seriously can "feel" her looking at those pics!! I know what those little arms and legs feel like--Caleb had the exact same ones :D You look great- in the last pic I can really tell you and Mera are sisters. Isiah and Carson are both Mr. Wonderfuls themselves. I can barely take all the goodness of that post!!!! Miss the Collards- hope you guys are all doing well. Oh and just something that worked for me getting adjusted to being a stay at home mom is to get together with other moms frequently. It is nice to get to talk with other girls that are living a similar life. Give Leah some smooches- love ya!!
She is so so cute! i love all the hair! I wish Lydia would get some! You should just do what I do and say nothing just post a picture! Its quite easy that way and probably also boring for some people but oh well! We wish we could see you guys and your cute Leah! Tell Sam Jeff says hi!
The picture of her sleeping on Sam is a carbon copy of a picture we have of Elaine . . . not on Dave, but just on the couch. The proportions of thigh, arm, and chin, and the squished sleepy face are identical. De ja vu.
I was hoping you would update soon!!
I was trying to figure out which baby belongs to which cousin ... Carson is Jesse's and Isaiah is Bethany's ... right?
All those babies are adorable! So are their parents:-)
Being a stay at home mom is WAY harder than working outside the house! It looks like you are doing a FABULOUS JOB!
Ugh...she is soo cute. She was honestly one of the cutest newborns I'd ever seen and she hasn't outgrown that one bit. And yeah, to mackenzie's comment, it is unimaginably hard to be at home-- but it does get easier (at least in some ways) as these lil babes grow up a bit. Usually just in time to pop out another one and start over :)
Don't give up on the blog. Embrace it. Love it. It will be good to you. (Or at least confirm to the world that you're just as crazy as the rest of us ;) )
I for one, enjoy your posts... so post away. Tell us about life in SF--that's got to be interesting right now.
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